October 2017 As one of the few congregations of Catholic consecrated women religious with a Motherhouse in Florida, we Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida are somewhat of a rarity in 21st Century Western culture. There are getting to be fewer and fewer women responding to the call to consecrated religious life in developed nations. What is consecrated life as a woman religious in the Catholic Church? I like theologian Sandra Schneider's description of Catholic religious life as "...the exclusive life-long God-quest centered in a particular kind of love of Jesus which calls some people to a life of consecrated celibacy lived in community and mission." ( Finding the Treasure , p. 364) Whereas Catholic clergy are identified by their sacramental ministry of service to the Church, Catholic consecrated religious are identified more by their public profession of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience and by their congregation...
A blog written by and about the Catholic consecrated women religious known as the Sisters of St, Joseph of St, Augustine, Florida, centered on the Motherhouse in St. Augustine.