March March 19th is the feast of St. Joseph Spouse of Mary. St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus Christ and spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the patron of the Sisters of St. Joseph. He is chosen by God and in the New Testament he is shown as their protector. This statue (above) is in the entrance foyer of our Motherhouse in St. Augustine. Joseph is depicted holding the Christ child and lilies. Jesus is shown holding a cross. This second statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus (above) is in the second floor front window of our Motherhouse. It was donated to our first sisters from France from their Motherhouse in Le Puy, France after the St. Augustine convent was built around 1876. The palm fronds are a reflection off of the glass in the window. Today, Good Friday in the Catholic liturgical year, we join with Christians throughout the world in remembering the day Jesus was crucified and died. The paschal mystery, dyin...
A blog written by and about the Catholic consecrated women religious known as the Sisters of St, Joseph of St, Augustine, Florida, centered on the Motherhouse in St. Augustine.